Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Conversations with God for Women~ Marcia Ford

                                                     Such a Beautiful Cover...don't you think

 If you could ask God anything what would it be? Many ask for help, salvation, hope and other things.  How about the questions that women want to ask God besides the why me...this books addresses it.

 It's an easy read and puts what God wants from us women in clear understanding. Conversations with God address women in the ministry and how to call on God and Jesus when society and life try to sway or even overwhelm us in our daily lives.

Another great feature about the book is that it's also study guide for women. When you read the questions and the answers that God, Jesus and other women of the bible answer with there are numbers (notes) to correspond with different books of the bible to help one have a better sense of the answers that everyone is giving you.

While reading the book...mainly at night I must say that I do feel that God is with me reading the book and helping me to better understand where he's leading me in his plan, Not mine. I love how the book conveys in very answer that God loves us and wants what is best even if don't see the big picture and how this love is expressed in the bible.

I would recommend this book to anyone woman that wants a better relationship with God and what his plans are for women even if there isn't enough focus on us in the bible God has his focus on us and loves us no matter what. God's love is like the love we have with our children; unconditional. This book reiterates this in every answer that given to the questions.

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